Paid It All

Paid It All

Words & Music by Michael Davis and Steven Adams
CCLI: # 7159083 | Available on MultiTracks

Verse 1
Blessed Savior,
Prince of Peace
The One who bore our sin
and shame on a tree
Bled and died at Calvary
Now we reign in life forever,
we are free

And we sing Holy,
Holy are You Lord
All the glory to the King
we’re longing for
We cry worthy, worthy
and bow before
All the glory to the Lamb

Verse 2
There is Hope
and there is Life
When we look upon
the cross of Jesus Christ
Where all our guilt
on Him was laid
He received our punishment
our debt He paid

You paid it all,
death on the cross
Life from the grave,
and forever You will reign

Verse 3
As we look
to His return
Let His praise be on our lips
His Name alone
For this life
is just the start
Oh His Grace will
lead us straight into His arms

Final Chorus
And we’ll sing Holy,
Holy are You Lord
All the glory to the King
whom we adore
We’ll cry worthy,
worthy and bow before
All the glory to the Lamb